Mass Cleaning Campaign

On the last day of September 2023, Jungshina Primary School organized a mass cleaning campaign, a collaborative effort coordinated by Waste Management coordinator Lopen Wangchu, Scout Coordinator Madam Yuden, and Health Coordinator Madam Pema Lhadon. These dedicated coordinators worked together to plan the activities for the day.

All students and parents from classes IV to VI were enthusiastically invited to participate in this cleaning initiative. The primary objective behind this activity was to foster collaboration among parents, students, and teachers while simultaneously promoting cleanliness within the school and the broader community. Through this cleaning campaign, students gained awareness of waste management and its crucial role in preserving the environment.

Each student came prepared with sacks for waste collection. The coordinators efficiently organized the participants, dividing them into four groups, each led by a coordinating teacher. To ensure fairness, teachers were equally distributed among these groups.

The cleaning campaign was executed diligently and efficiently, lasting precisely one hour. The groups returned to the school premises, having collected all the waste in their sacks. Waste Management Coordinator Lopen Wangchu oversaw the collection of all waste, ensuring it was stored securely until the arrival of the waste collection vehicle for proper disposal.